Box Swap (closed)

I'm still interested but maybe we could do after the holidays. I did complete my first box though, it was a practice box for this trade, but has now became a box for my mothers schnauzer that passed a few weeks ago. will post pics of box later. Wow keeping joints tight on those is tough. Other threads on "square" lately hopefully will help with those for me.

Thanks Tom.

However after seeing that one of yours I think I will have to make another one myself if I want to keep up to your standard:(
All right guys.

Shouldn't we agree on a clear date? I suggest January 30th.
So we all have enough time.
As I do not know how to create a poll I think that everybody will have enough time, if not please speak now or shut up for ever!:D
Great!! already 5confirmations, keep going guys!!! Remember we must be an even number.! Well... actually not if we just pass the box to another guy...
I'd be happy if we reach the dozen. If we reach an even number we could also use the pairing system, as far as I know this swap is not a "take and leave" one but an exchange isn't it?

Another matter is how to make the draft, an easy way to do would be alphabetical order by the surname or ascending age (although some may not like to reveal it:D). Or if some software guru wants to make an aleatory draft from a virtual hat...
How about everybody ships their box on the same day.
Person 1 ships to person 2, person 2 to person 3, etc.? One big circle.
Only one person knows the order of who will ship to whom - the organizer. Everyone else gets a surprise. The organizer can PM the "shipee" to each of the "shippers" so no one knows who they're getting their box from.
How about everybody ships their box on the same day.
Person 1 ships to person 2, person 2 to person 3, etc.? One big circle.
Only one person knows the order of who will ship to whom - the organizer. Everyone else gets a surprise. The organizer can PM the "shipee" to each of the "shippers" so no one knows who they're getting their box from.

Fine for me, but who will be the organizer? Ned?
yeah butttt! we know how long it takes to build a shop in new york:) perhaps we shouldnt over load ned with this and let another member that has time take it on...:D:thumb: