My Largest Commsion so far - Finished more pics for Rob

Don, I have the HF mortiser. Haven't done hundreds of square holes but have worked in hardwoods with it. Seemed more than fine. That's my 2 cents worth. Mine did come broken, the hold down for the board was broken in transit/packaging? So unpack while UPS is there in this event so you can send it back.

I just bought the General International moritiser and used it for the 1st time. It is a bit more of a stretch but it has some distinct advantages.
Dave - Theres not a lot of gilding to do. The only thing I know of will be the chalice that I will put on the front of the altar.
Ken if you are refering to the one that woodcraft sells that is a lot of a stretch. For that kind of money I'd get the free standing jet it's only 100 more. It's twice the price of the small jet od delta.

In terms of the build. I'll be starting on it this comming week I'll build the pieces while continuing the restoration business since I do have other bills to pay. Right now the schedule is as follows

Chairs first
I am larger pieces for last so that the building will be in a state to recevce them since I don't have room to store them.
Oh yea one other thing I got a lead on another church. More on that to come.
I have the Delta and really like it. I picked mine up brand new on CL for a incredible steal. I have seen the HF version and its looks just as nice as the Delta.
Nice to hear it works well. :thumb:
Congrats Don, That is an awesome job to get. Just tonight I met with some nuns who requested help in building some choir benches. Their order is in a formation period and there are big plans for the future. This won't be a paying job for me just a donation of materials and time but I'm happy to do it. The greater work in the future may bring gainful employment. It would be a privilege to be a part of it.

I will be watching with interest your posts and pictures. One question, what about a baptismal font?
Well I delivered the Altar today and gave them the final invoice. Here's the altar


and here is an overall picture with everything in it's place.



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Congrats on a great what's next on your build list? :wave:

Got more to do for this client.

lets see i heard the oval office was looking for someone to do some work for them don..:D:thumb::thumb:bet your glad its done huh:D

Not really Larry this was a real fun build. Now that I've done one I would't mind doing 5 or 6 of these a year.
lets see i heard the oval office was looking for someone to do some work for them don..:D:thumb::thumb:bet your glad its done huh:D

Did you know they actually doing some upgrades to the white house right now. :) I dont think Don charges enough to meet the grade for that work. You gotta be able to inflate the price dramatically if you want to win.:D

Great work Don, could you show us a closer pic of the Altar please or a side view if you have one without the green cloth if thats what it is.