Screw Threads and 3D Printing

Dave Richards

SE Minnesota
This isn't specifically about woodworking but I thought I'd show a thing I made with my new 3D printer recently.

A while back I modeled a machinist's jack from old plans I found online.

I wanted to see how the knurling and the screw threads would print. This is what I came up with.

With the post screwed all the way down it's three inches tall. The threads work very smoothly and there's little slop. In fact I think there's less slop than there'd be in a similar sized meatl bolt and nut. It's looking a little grubby in a few places because I sand off some of the support with a piece of sandpaper I'd use to sand some carbon fiber plate. Didn't realize how dirty it was until it was too late. :rolleyes:
Love it Dave! Great job on the knurling as well.

Printers can make a bit of a noise. Doesn't seem to bother my cat much But I could see it bothering some dogs.