Making Cool Stuff - with Glazing

Leo Voisine

East Freeetown, Massachusetts
I don't know What to call this thread so I called it Making Cool stuff. Why - well because this is a fun project for me and I like making cool stuff. We are just about ready to enter into a slowdown of outside stuff. I do hope we get buried in snow. I have "We Make Cool Stuff" on my business card and that always gets a responce from people.

Brents neighbors sign also makes me want to do a little more on how I make stuff and paint stuff. Perhaps a bit more in detail.

These designs have been on mu bucket list for a way too long time and it is simple just time to di it. Ohhh trust me, there is a LOT more on my bucket list.

So, this may become a really long thread - but maybe I will just bore you all to death and I will end the post. No biggie - I am still going to make these things and they will very likely get sold on Etsy or something, or maybe they will just decorate my shop. I dunno.

I have 5 different quarts of glaze bases that I want to try techniques.
I will be making videos of everything I do and making the vides a little more polished that the raw videos of The Vault.
My hope is that anyone watching will be able to glean at least some tiny bit of useful information.
I have no intention of making a "how to" video.
I don't want to me like Rob Crossman or Mark Lindsey or any of those guys.
I do want to be about me and stuff I do in my shop - kinda raw - Leo's Workshop

So these are my choices - all four.


I will just keep adding to this thread.

I am thinking this will be a LOOOOONG project - perhaps a year - maybe less maybe more.
I may also post it to Vectric as well. I dunno yet.
Have you ever experimented with air brushing?
I've got a friend who makes and paints horror models and does so with an airbrush.
In fact, He's done a lot of work for Kirk Hemmett among other collectors. He has gifted me some of his models over the years like this dracula figurine.
Seems like there could be some overlap here in techniques.

I have a nice air brush. I also have a nutha air brush. I have played around with them a few times. It is within some things I do but I don't see it as a big item in my current activities. I don't know anyone doing the stuff I do that uses an airbrush.

Some day I will play around again. I will not try then on this project.

Not really sure where I am going here, but, I am playing around with some ideas.

One thing to note about this stuff is that I do NOT have a clear thought as to what the end result is. I started out with about 15 models thinking I was going to do maybe 2 - or - 3 but I ended with 4. Was not sure what the background was going to be. I still don't know how I am going to paint them. It's as much a mystery to me as it is to you. I watch this progress just like you are. I am getting excited about it as it develops.



I think this one is going to the easiest - but who knows



There is a TON of details in this. I WILL attempt yo paint AND glaze ALL the details
This one is a SERIOUS challange

Flower Maiden

Flower Maiden-1.jpg

Again there is some serious details
Definately a challange



At one time a had a bantum rooster. Ohhh he was such a beautiful bird. Gorgeous.
Isn't is strange that a rooster can be so beautiful?
This guy may be painted like Max, my rooster

I don't have a pic of Max, but I see him in my mind
...One thing to note about this stuff is that I do NOT have a clear thought as to what the end result is...
[puts on my musician hat]
For me, one of the most enjoyable things about playing live music with a band are the parts where I don't have a clear thought as to what the end result will be. Sure, there are plenty of parts that get played the same way every show, but the real fun begins when I'm just making things up on the spot and seeing where they go. It's as if I'm not only the performer, but I'm also one of the spectators who's looking forward to seeing what happens. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's great, and sometimes it's a trainwreck of epic proportions. But it's always fun to fly by the seat of the pants.

Don't overthink it, and just trust your experience and talent. :thumb: It does sound like that's what you're doing...I just wanted to encourage you and anyone else to just let things flow sometimes. :)
[puts on my musician hat]
For me, one of the most enjoyable things about playing live music with a band are the parts where I don't have a clear thought as to what the end result will be. Sure, there are plenty of parts that get played the same way every show, but the real fun begins when I'm just making things up on the spot and seeing where they go. It's as if I'm not only the performer, but I'm also one of the spectators who's looking forward to seeing what happens. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's great, and sometimes it's a trainwreck of epic proportions. But it's always fun to fly by the seat of the pants.
You'd have been a hit at this years pig rock. We had some serious improvising going on with some really good musicians. (Not me, lol)
[puts on my musician hat]
For me, one of the most enjoyable things about playing live music with a band are the parts where I don't have a clear thought as to what the end result will be. Sure, there are plenty of parts that get played the same way every show, but the real fun begins when I'm just making things up on the spot and seeing where they go. It's as if I'm not only the performer, but I'm also one of the spectators who's looking forward to seeing what happens. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's great, and sometimes it's a trainwreck of epic proportions. But it's always fun to fly by the seat of the pants.

Don't overthink it, and just trust your experience and talent. :thumb: It does sound like that's what you're doing...I just wanted to encourage you and anyone else to just let things flow sometimes. :)

This morning coffee.

My little Chippy (7 lb pomeranian) tucked into the corner of my lazyboy, Snoopy curled up on the recliner raised foot rest between my legs, my coffee beside me. Cool weather, my bare feet on the deck was uncomfortable cold when letting the dogs out for morning stuff.

I was purusing youtube videos of glazing techniques. Lots of different ideas. I have been doing the same thing since I went to the sign camp in 2013. However, there are some different techniques that I should try,

This is ONE of many I watched but I like what the artist was doing with the brush and rubbing thinner to lighten some areas.
I am thinking about the Greenman-2 beard and the Flower maiden flowing hair.

I will start with Greenman-1

I have two clipart models. The base and the Greenman

I have adjusted the 2 models to be about 1/2 shape height each for a total 1" thick.
Material size is 12" x 12" x 1"

Something about 3D CNC is that 3D toolpath is a LOT slower than 2D toolpath. That said it behooves you to do flat surfaces with 2D toolpath

So I seperated the must be 3D and the "can be" 2D

Greenman-1 layout-a.jpg
The red inner border is the border around the greenman. The area inside the red "must" be a 3D toolpath

From the outer purple to the inner red can be 2D and it will be

From the outer purple to the middle green is a "must" be 3D

So here are the toolpaths I generated

Greenman-1 toolpath-a.jpg
I will use a 1/4 end mill to pocket a flat surface from the outer purple boundary to the inner red

Greenman-1 toolpath-b.jpg

Next I will use a 1/8 Taper Ball Nose (TBN) mill to 3D the Greenman face inside the red Inner boundary

Greenman-1 toolpath-c.jpg

Then I will use the same 1/8 TBN to 3D the outer purple to middle Green

I will combine the two 3D toolpaths into one so all the 3D will be done together

Greenman-1 toolpath-d.jpg

Lastly, I will use a 1/4 end mill to cut out the plaque.

NOW - I need to get some 1" thick HDU out of my material shed,
I needed to reorganize my material shed a bit. I do have 18# 1" signfoam, BUT, it was burried and nearly imposible to get to it. I rearranged all my sheet goods so that I can get to it. without a major effort.

I will drag out the sheet and get it up and onto the machine today.

I started filming the test of 5 different glazing clear coats to work with.
I am finding some interesting results.
OK, I dragged a sheet of Sign Foam out of the shed and got it on the machine and clamped down

Videos will follow but they are a lot more work than just posting.

I am getting ready to cut the Greenman-1


For those interested, you may know this already, but you CAN combine toolpaths into one toolpath file.
Here I have combined the 2 3D toolpaths into one file to send out to the machine.

Not a function of Aspire - it can be done in all Vectric products - (not sure of Cut3D or PhotoVcarve).