Inserting pictures in polls?

Hi there.
As the deadline for the Toni’s challenge is approachig, I wonder wether is it possible to create a poll with pictures or thumb nails inserted for each option. I believe that in this way people would easily remember to what project they are voting and also compare them having the pictures side by side.
So the questio is: can this be done? And if so, how is it done?
Thanks in advance
Hi there.
As the deadline for the Toni’s challenge is approachig, I wonder wether is it possible to create a poll with pictures or thumb nails inserted for each option. I believe that in this way people would easily remember to what project they are voting and also compare them having the pictures side by side.
So the questio is: can this be done? And if so, how is it done?
Thanks in advance
Sorry, just saw this, let think on it to see if there is a way without a lot of manual copying.
@Toni Ciuraneta I did a quick mock up of a poll with pictures to see how it works. You'll be limited to 10 pictures and 10 vote choices. I think a few folks have dropped out since this list here, so should have enough spots

It will involve downloading a copy of the image you want to use for each option, Then just create a new discussion the same way you always do. In my example I listed for the text above each image to correspond to the poll choices. You could also put a link to each post by copying the post's link (using the share button on that post), so that if there are other images, the members can go browse those, insert the links in the discussion portion with the option text. above each image.

I then clicked the "Poll" tab above and filled out the poll options below. As you add options another option box will appear (max of 10) below.

When the poll is posted, the first post below will be the contents of the discussion tab.

Edit, there are options to allow for one or more choices, if there are multiple places, I would suggest maybe multiple polls, one for first place, one for second. and only let members vote once on each poll, but allow them to change choices. There is also a time expiration at the bottom of the poll choices that will close the poll after that time.
Thanks a lot Darren, I think I have understood how to manage it, I hope that when the time arrives I'll be able to make it. This takes me to another question: is it possible to make a draft of a post or poll and not publish it until it is ready? Or I should us this subforum to make trials or prepare the poll?
If you create the post, you can save it as a draft using the toolbar option to save, and post it when you’re ready. There isn’t a way to schedule the post unfortunately.