Don Baer
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  • supplement plan for wife? she is on total disabilty now and has been for a few years,, what would your recommendation be for her supplement she turns 65 in feb and there have been many phone calls trying to get her to sign up for this or that
    Don, I am coming down the mountain tomorrow for a little wood-shopping and meeting that friend for lunch. We are meeting in Mesa - her choice.

    ANyway, my favorite guy at TimberWood quit (after several years). The last guy I dealt with down there was a total jerk! Also not happy spending money with Keith. l always have had trouble spending money with jerks!

    I need Baltic Birch plywood and poplar. Any suggestions? I'll go to Timber Wood if I have to you. Just thought you might have another suggestion.


    Got an Ohio Friend coming next week. He wants mesquite to make pepper mills. He will be in the Chandler area. Where can I point him?
    Hows that church project coming along ?

    I have a appointment with the curator in the Capital building the 17th. She needs some antique gilding restorations done to a frame. Wish me luck.
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