Simple Pleasures

Always tried to be the first one in - some quiet time to plan and anticipate the day. Even now, when I'm working at home, I get up early, sit in a dark living room with my iPad and catch up on news, family, my daily solitaire challenge, and a little social media.
Always tried to be the first one in - some quiet time to plan and anticipate the day. Even now, when I'm working at home, I get up early, sit in a dark living room with my iPad and catch up on news, family, my daily solitaire challenge, and a little social media.
How did the editing come out. I read parts of it. Very detailed. Shelly said ask you.
Twice a month I have to drive up to KC for work. I typically leave at 3:30am to get there by 7:30am. Most of my co-workers cringe at the thought of getting up that early, but I actually enjoy the drive itself to a point. I'm typically going past several of the lakes right at sunrise and pull over time to time to watch it.

Once I'm on the other side though, traffic starts to get heavy, folks flying past you like you're sitting still, and cutting you off to get one car length ahead. Then I'm reminded of why I moved south in the first place. ;)