Shop Fox Clamps

glenn bradley

Half a dozen of these for $60 and free shipping. I would if I were you.

I had a little panic last night when I looked at my order update. It had my old address on it, which I had updated to the new one during checkout. I submitted a ticket with support, and this morning received notice they updated the shipping address. All is well, and happy with their customer service. (y)
Glad the tip paid off. These sort of clamps work great for holding things to the bench edge for me. When I am using a power tool or using a power tool on something I like the feeling that things are secured . . . really well ;). I paid $10 a clamp for 6" Jorgies back in the day. It is hard to go wrong with these deeper reach clamps.
the 18" and 24" are on sale also. Not sure when the sale ends.

Nice! I ordered some of the 24" ones as well.

BTW...I made a small rack to hang the 10" clamps on the wall just using a 2 x 4 with 2 1/2" deep notches to hand them on. I found most of them on the bench below the next day as the rack wasn't deep enough and they slid off. I'll be borrowing one of Glenns designs for the new racks. The previous rack works well with my older F clamps though, these new ones are way deeper and heavy.
Just an FYI and something that is typical out here where the ground does the Watusi now and again . . . I put a 2 or 3 degree tilt on most of my wall fixtures. It's not necessarily preparation for "the big one". It is protection from those monthly little ones that walk things to the edge of the peg and then drop them on your head. :D
This 24" T-slot looks to be a good deal

Edit: Not free shipping, misread that.
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