Really, it's not supposed to snow here!

Rennie Heuer

Staff member
Constantine, MI
Well, Ive been telling everyone that we don't get snow in the Treasure Valley - we have the good sense to keep it up in the mountains. I guess we must have run out of sense. 12" in 4 days.:eek: Unheard of!:eek:
This is the most snow we've had on the ground in the 13 years I've lived here. I'm really getting tired of shoveling!:eek::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Dear Rennie, Hi :wave:,
You need the exercise to keep that youthful zest and abs of steel!:rolleyes:
Thanks for the pictures, they are a lovely shade of white from my house.
Shaz :)
PS...miss the snow.......:(
Rennie (in my best Nelson voice) HA HA

See thats what you get for bragging about it. :D :D

You do know that Mother nature put it there. wait long enough she will make it go away. :rolleyes: We've been lucky, only had to plow the drive once so far this winter and if we had waited a few days it would have went away
That's pretty much how I feel when we get a snow like that in New Mexico. It is pretty tho...
It is nice to look at - OK, I've seen enough. :rofl:

Rennie.....if it can snow in the "Banana Belt" why not elsewhere in Idaho?
Ken, up till now I could see snow anytime I wanted to take the 20 min ride to the Boise front (similar for you, I'd guess). I love the snow on the mountains. I also love the be able to see the snow line on the foothills! When those two merge, that's when it can become troublesome.

Fortunately, the temps climbed near 40 yesterday and most of the roads (major) are clear and dry. Not so for the local streets. In 13 years of living here I have never seen a plow on any of the local streets. They sand the intersections, but that's about it. We are supposed to get into the mid 40's by weekend, so things should change from snow to mud. Not sure that's an improvement!! :rofl::rofl:
How far from Ketchum is that? I lived there for about 6 months many moons ago and they get plenty of snow.
We're hours, and several thousand feet below, Ketchum. Ketchum is next to Sun Valley (as you know). Snow is pretty much the only environment for 6 months out of the year there.

Rennie (in my best Nelson voice) HA HA

See that's what you get for bragging about it. :D :D

You do know that Mother nature put it there. wait long enough she will make it go away. :rolleyes: We've been lucky, only had to plow the drive once so far this winter and if we had waited a few days it would have went away
Yes, I suppose my 'snow-bragging' days are over. :(:rofl:
Dear Rennie, Hi :wave:,
You need the exercise to keep that youthful zest and abs of steel!:rolleyes:
Thanks for the pictures, they are a lovely shade of white from my house.
Shaz :)
PS...miss the snow.......:(
Abs of steel?!! Me?!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Robert, if you like I can send you some snow! however, you'll probably have to refreeze it when it arrives. :rofl: Now, as for that youthful zest - the LOML is the only influence left in my life that can still bring that to the surface. Snow just dosen't do it for me. :rofl:
Hi Rennie :wave:,
As long as the LOYL (love of your life) can keep some hint of youth alive there is hope.:thumb:
I did a Moxie Java coffee shop in Nampa, Idaho about 10 years ago. Built it here in Houston, had "Bekins" deliver it.My partner and I flew up to install it. Now that was a story to be told.
Do you live near Nampa? I think it was Nampa? :rolleyes: Maybe it was Napa:huh:, no...that is in California!:doh:
Anyhow it seems it was about 20 minutes from Boise.:dunno:
I need to go on, have a good morning!
Shaz :)
I did a Moxie Java coffee shop in Nampa, Idaho about 10 years ago. Built it here in Houston, had "Bekins" deliver it.My partner and I flew up to install it. Now that was a story to be told.
Do you live near Nampa? I think it was Nampa? :rolleyes: ..... Anyhow it seems it was about 20 minutes from Boise.:dunno:
Shaz :)
Your memory is sharp - in fact, I think I drive by that Moxie often. Does Garrity Blvd. ring a bell?:rolleyes:
Your memory is sharp - in fact, I think I drive by that Moxie often. Does Garrity Blvd. ring a bell?:rolleyes:

Just off hand the name is not coming back but I will check out my files and see. It was in a little strip mall. Franchised by two really nice young men in the military.:dunno: They and their girl friends took us out one night near the end of our stay. They were very considerate and treated us quite well. I do hope it is their place and they are in business and doing well!:)
Small world.:rolleyes:
Shaz :)
PS we had intended on a two day install and several skiing days in the mountains near by, but the install took about five days:doh:(Bekin's Moving and Storage (wreckage)!!!:doh:) and we only got to visit the mountains. It did snow on us in Nampa that last install day! Love that state!
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The last several years have been fairly "low snow" here in Utah. I have lived in my home for almost 13 years as well, and the only BIG snow year I remember here was 1997. But in the previous 10 years (lived within 8 miles from here) we used to have some pretty good snows.

Well, we sure got a bumper crop this year ... especially these past 3 weeks. Sunday morning was especially bad. Here is the "aftermath", taken just before sunset last night ...


... and as I arrived at work this morning:


BTW, it was about 13F (-25C) outside at 8:00 this morning. Brrrr!
BTW, it was about 13F (-25C) outside at 8:00 this morning. Brrrr!
You beat me by one. It was 14 here in the valley this morning, and we have more snow coming tonight. ugh.
Thanks for the pics. It's been a while since I've been down your way. I'd forgotten how nice the Wasatch look this time of year.:thumb:
Hi Kerry :wave:,
A roof full of snow and those are some fine looking mountains, "Wadda ya keepin it all to yourself "?:rolleyes:
Thanks for the pic, nice lookin'....
S :)

Rennie :wave: Hi,
Go get yourself invigorated, go to the mountains! :thumb:
It's not supposed to snow this much!

A couple weeks ago we had a big snow storm......

then it snowed big again a few days later......

and then it just kept snowing........

so now the grandkids are making a snow cave in the pile next to the driveway...
Whoa, Curt! :eek: We've been seeing the big numbers in your area on the news, but there's nothing like photos to make it real.

Looking forward to Spring....