New Shop

Ryan Mooney

Staff member
The Gorge Area, Oregon
Just closed a week or so ago on a little 50 acre place down in the Willamette/Oregon Coast moutain foothills.

Big upgrade to the shop, well actually this is just the BIG shop, there's another 2000' machine shed and a 2000' "other" shop, and a barn..

We're using the nice one to stage the move though because it's relatively tight comparatively, the other two are just pole barns and the barn is open on 1 side and not so tight on the other three.


Woke up this morning to a full on party in the front yard.

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I also stood up the new harbor freight gantry crane… all 600lbs of it. Basically jacked it up a little at a time and shoved pallets and blocks under it until I got it up a bit past level and then tied the legs back to keep it from slipping and used to come along tied back to the trailer to yank it up the rest of the way. I also had a rope hoist tied back to the top to slow the up movement so it couldn’t come all the way over on me.

The upside is that being able to yoink my powermatic 3520 a pallet up off of the bed of the trailer was like magic. The downside is that I made the mistake of building the thing in too close of proximity to grousing about how heavy the tv is and saying that’s why it’d be a bad idea to get a bigger one. To say I got side eye is a real understatement.

