Friday 4/12/24

I haven't been doing too much around here - this time because of getting beyond the first phase of my eye treatment. I'm seeing much better already just being 11 days since the procedure. I'm still unsteady enough not to want to be around sharp stuff in my shop.

Major events this week:
Wednesday, the septic tank guy was here to pump our tank - not having a problem - just routine maintenance.
Thursday - lots of rain that started late Wednesday and totaled 5.24" when it was done Thursday afternoon.

Bobbie and I will head to Boston for lunch today - as per our normal routine.

Weekend? NASCAR when it's running, of course!
Finally got the mower running. Tune up, new front wheels, battery clean up, etc. Got the mowing down for the first of the season. Now pick up the yard and spray weeds. Finding I can't go like I used to. Can't do what I want also. Getting older ain't fun but I enjoy myself when I can.
Everyone have a safe and healthy weekend and
It has been very windy here for the last couple of days. The trash cans are being blown all over the neighborhood. It is trash pickup day.

On a positive note the catkins have been blown from the pine trees which means there will be less pollen. But the road, driveway and decks are all covered with these pine worms as my wife likes to call them. Our gardener was here on Wednesday and cleaned the sidewalks, driveway and deck. You can't tell it now. It is always something.

Hallelujah! I finally finished all the sheaths for my knives. I must be the slowest leather worker in history. I don't know why but I find the task of cutting out, assembling and sewing leather to be very difficult. I have a lot of trouble with the stitching despite the fact that I have prepared the holes all properly spaced with a leather hole punch i.e. stitching chisel. The diamond shaped prongs on these tools is quite ingenious. They are set about 30 degrees from vertical so that when stitching a saddle stitch the threads from the two needles going in and out of the holes do not align and cut the leather.

I donated a couple of knives to an auction to help raise funds for the Boy Scouts. Both sold at a reasonable price so I am happy. I hope the buyer(s) enjoy them.

Not much else going on.
12lbs of top round sitting in the fridge waiting to be made into jerky. Contemplating getting a meat slicer to get more uniform cuts for jerky and bacon, but not sure which one. There is an expansion of the cat wall sitting on the bench waiting for glue up. Undecided on whether to put splines in it to help hold it together or just see if I can get some pocket screws to work on the angles. Need to make more pickled eggs because the last batch is almost gone. Lots of gardening to do. Oh, and it's that time of year again. Backhanded the first carpenter bees to bait the traps. Stay safe folks!
CatWall-1.jpeg, Carpenterbee-2.jpeg , Carpenterbee-3.jpeg.
Just got done setting up for our monthly gig at the Dragonhorn. They had a fire outside the building Monday morning, but were closed for a few hours since the Fire Department shut down their power and they needed to get it all checked out before opening back up. I've been getting questions from people all week asking if the show was still on, because they heard the Dragonhorn was closed due to a fire. This is largely because the Tuesday morning Albuquerque Journal had an article about the fire (sourced from the Fire Department's Facebook page, of all places :rolleyes:) but of course there was no follow-up article saying they were open a few hours later. That's why I don't trust ANY news outlet. Journalism is dead. It's now some 22 year old journalism major sitting in a cubicle scanning social media and using that instead of actually investigating the situation. /end rant

The rest of the weekend will be pretty laid back, although I guess I'd better go ahead and get my taxes done and filed before Monday night.
Just got done setting up for our monthly gig at the Dragonhorn. They had a fire outside the building Monday morning, but were closed for a few hours since the Fire Department shut down their power and they needed to get it all checked out before opening back up. I've been getting questions from people all week asking if the show was still on, because they heard the Dragonhorn was closed due to a fire. This is largely because the Tuesday morning Albuquerque Journal had an article about the fire (sourced from the Fire Department's Facebook page, of all places :rolleyes:) but of course there was no follow-up article saying they were open a few hours later. That's why I don't trust ANY news outlet. Journalism is dead. It's now some 22 year old journalism major sitting in a cubicle scanning social media and using that instead of actually investigating the situation. /end rant

The rest of the weekend will be pretty laid back, although I guess I'd better go ahead and get my taxes done and filed before Monday night.
Wish I could have made it there! But Sharon had her surgery on the ankle today and had a couple of plates installed on either side of her ankle. She'll set off the alarms for sure next time she flies. The Doc thinks things should work out well, so got her home and back and setup to heal for a while. Here's hoping I can make the trip in in a few weeks, Can't really make too many plans at this point.

At any rate, I got the brake controller installed, but managed to somehow get the 2 right side rear tires flattened. Tomorrow I plan on fixing the tires and installing a Tire Pressure Monitoring system on my truck and trailer, cause, why not. Plan on owning this truck till I die.

Other than that, Traded some eggs with gardening guru neighbor for some onion starts, so have to get those in the ground. Not much else planned except STILL working on organizing stuff in the garage. It never ends.
Wish I could have made it there! But Sharon had her surgery on the ankle today and had a couple of plates installed on either side of her ankle. She'll set off the alarms for sure next time she flies. The Doc thinks things should work out well, so got her home and back and setup to heal for a while. Here's hoping I can make the trip in in a few weeks, Can't really make too many plans at this point...
Glad to hear they got her put back together and on the mend. :thumb: We play once a month. Taking care of Sharon is far more important and a much more immediate need. ;)
Well, as normal for me, my project priority's change, we were lucky and got some cash back on taxes and we have decided that our main bathroom, still original from the 80's, needs to be remodeled, so bathroom it is! Going to replace the tub that we never use and put in a shower, I'm going to build the vanity to match everything else and put in a new comfort level toilet. So todays job is design the vanity, let the fun begin ;)
...our main bathroom, still original from the 80's, needs to be remodeled, so bathroom it is! Going to replace the tub that we never use and put in a shower, I'm going to build the vanity to match everything else and put in a new comfort level toilet. So todays job is design the vanity, let the fun begin ;)
Consider adding some handicap assist bars, too - both in the shower and adjacent the throne. We added them when we remodeled our bathrooms, and have both needed them at one time or another. (Of course, we're older than you and Joy though). :rolleyes:
At any rate, I got the brake controller installed, but managed to somehow get the 2 right side rear tires flattened. Tomorrow I plan on fixing the tires and installing a Tire Pressure Monitoring system on my truck and trailer, cause, why not. Plan on owning this truck till I die.
Well, That went worse than I expected. The outside right rear had 2 nail holes right next to each other, the inside right rear had a nail in it. The inside left rear has 0 pressure, and probably been that way for a while, it has a cut in the side wall between the 2 tires. The outside left rear was fine, lol.

Called to setup an appointment to get new tires next week. Found out it's been 10 years since I got those tires, so I guess i can't be that mad. The fronts still had plenty of tread, the rears were a little thin in the middle of the tire, but ok-ish amount on the outside of each tire.

In my mind though, It seemed like it was much more recent though, lol. If I had to have guess I would have said 4 years. Funny the way the mind works when every day is almost the same.
recovering from a second nasty attack of diverticulitis, thought I was ok and done with it last week. came b ack with a vengenvce wednesday, feelin ok today....started making sesame street bird houses
kids are coming over tomorrow afternoon for dinner, well, not for me, i might try some mash potatos and some powerade . we are going to amish area of pa next week for entire week, taking our grandchlidren, their first time . should be fun, we rented a townhouse with 3 bedrooms