Flat Pack Guitar Stool

Brent Dowell

Staff member
Reno NV
Not my design, but a project from Vectric. https://www.vectric.com/about-us/FlatPackGuitarStool

When I saw it, I knew I was going to make it, lol. I changed a few things up. I wasn't wild about the 'arrow' detail on the legs, so just changed those out for a simpler rounded off design.

Also needed to adjust the interlocking slots to make them the right size. They were at .75" and the plywood I got only measured .72 inches. I figure it's going to loosen up over time any way as they slide back and forth.

It's really a good design. Wish I came up with it. It's sturdy, the foot rest is adjustable in height. Pretty sure I can come up with either a little bag for it, or maybe just a sling strap to make it easy to carry around. Will be great for back patio jam session, or around a campfire.

For outside, it'd be nice to only have three legs. I'll have to give that a think and see what I can do.


Yeah, I'm probably going to do another couple at least. I was trying to think of some words or something to use for the cut outs, but really like the idea of musical symbols. Thanks!
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Test of doing something like a treble clef for the cutouts. I like the idea.

What I like even better is trying to come up with my own design. I've got a few people interested in getting something like this.

I've got some ideas on how I can switch this up enough to make it my own.

I'm also thinking about making a little knock down table to take camping as well.

Working on a 3 legged version of it. Doesn't quite fit on a 2'x4' piece of ply yet, and I want to make it a little more aesthetically pleasing.

Plenty of room for different cutouts on this one as well.

On the treble cleft instead of cutting through - looks weak to me - you can V-Carve (engrave) or you can pocket and paint black.

Loos like a really cool project.
Yeah, some of the parts of that look prone to breakage. I've got other ideas for decorative cutouts though.

Kind of concentrating on the 3 legged version to make it more stable for sitting on rocky areas.
Cut out my prototype.

It works, but it is easy to tip backwards. It's as sturdy as the other one, but I need to give it a think about maybe angling the back 'legs' or something to add a bit more stability.

Need to add a little more room in my joints as they fit kind of tight.

But, It's a prototype. Heck, I'll finish it off and use it for myself if nothing else.

But, Back to the drawing board, er, F360 I mean.

tea, I was afraid of that, I have been trying to come up with a design with three seperate legs that can be set 120 degrees apart to solve that issue. I just don't have enough time to get my head around it yet. Maybe in a few weeks when Medicare open enrollment slows down a bit.
Yeah, I started going down that route today. The only issue I have it figuring out how to do the required angles for the joinery on a cnc machine. But then, Maybe not all the joinery, like the slots, needs to be done on the cnc.
Yeah, This version is going in the recycler, Sharon sat on it and immediately started to lean back, lol. Fortunately, I had it right up against a wall.