Fina Jo's 2023 4H Fair projects

North West Indiana
Fina (rhymes with china) Jo is our 3rd grandchild and is Asleigh's Irish twin. Fina Jo wears hearing aids obviously to improve her hearing. She was always the quiet one but when she was in mini 4H she took hold of the lead strap for the dairy calf and went right in confidently showing it on her own (I just walked alongside surprised). She spent her first 4 years observing I guess. She is a hoot, quiet but comes up with amazing insights and zingers.

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I titled this "one tired dude". A busy day, a productive day and projects getting completed. This is Fina Jo's rendition of raised dog bowls feeder. Please pardon the lack of some construction pictures as I wasn't able to take pictures while helping her with the chop saw.

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She is learning to use the drill this year as well as the impact to drive screws.

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This is the sander with multiple lights to let them know if they are pushing down to hard. Here she is learning the routine.
Fina Jo like Jon, lost all her rabbits and rabbit equipment in their barn fire. She needed a table top to set up her rabbits, handle them, groom them, etc. All four of them show rabbits so it needed to be large enough for all of them to work their rabbits. She asked me if I would help her rehab an old gas grill.

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First thing she had to do was remove the grill and wooden slats that were on the ends.

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She learned to use Jon's favorite saw, the sawzall. If you know anything about these old grills, they are wiggly!! Well when you cut out the 2 side braces, they are real wiggly!!

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Then she had to go through and redrill the four holes on the ends to accept 1/4" bolts.
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To help her rabbits get used to different table tops (even though they show on wood tops) a 2x6 with old running boards attached to each side gave us the width and interesting table top using all recycled materials. So she learned to drill the holes through the running board so she could screw it to the 2x6.

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Remember the original holes she drilled out to 1/4" inch? Well this was the way we attached the top to the frame.

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Even after building the shelf in the middle, it still had a little wiggle to it. So we drilled four more holes and installed four more 1/4" bolts. Notice across the front, 4 instead of the original planned 2 bolts.
What a great grandpa you are. Those young folks will always remember the times spent with you and the lessons you gave them. God Bless families who work together.
I built one of those raised dog bowl thingys for my Maggie when she was getting a little feeble with her cancer....
mine did not look near as well made and professional as Fina Jo's.... Job well done!!
I like the creative mix of wood types on the bottom shelf of the rabbit table. I'm sure it was all dug out of Grandpa's scrap pile. You don't see the plywood/walnut/plywood construction method very often. :)

I clearly remember my granddad digging out a dirty piece of maple from his scrap pile in the back yard, so I could make my grandma a little cheese cutting board. That was my very first woodworking project and I got to use the jigsaw (he called it a saber saw) and a sander. That was over 60 years ago. I somehow ended up with both the cutting board and the sander years later after my grandparents died, and I still have both.