Did a version of Mikes Stewed Beef

Brent Dowell

Staff member
Reno NV
After Reading Mikes notes on his 'Stewed Beef', I decided to do it and put my own little spin on it.
2# chuck roast
1 Onion
A few cloves of Garlic
Trager all purpose Seasoning
12 Ounces Mushrooms
Salt an dPepper for seasoning.

I started by cutting the roast up into some decent sized chunks, seasoned both sides with the all purpose rub, and browning it in two batches in some beef tallow. Then I browned up some onions and a little garlic, added a can of beef broth and put the meat back in and let it simmer in the dutch oven for 5 hours.

I quartered up the mushrooms and added them into the pot and let it go for another hour. Made some mashed potatoes, a little green salad and some peas.

Used the mushrooms and gravy on the potatoes and had the meat on its own. Loved it. Had a hard time explaining the difference between stewed beef and beef stew to sharon, but I think she got it after I served it up.

Looks good enough to eat!

My wife had never had stewed beef either and we almost got into an argument as I tried to explain it to her. The first time I fixed it she could immediately tell the difference and it has forever become one of the items I fix. She loves it. And so do I.

It is great served on rice as well as potatoes. We sometimes put a spoonful or two on a hot dog bun with a big squeeze of mustard. Really delicious!