Boy I got my come uppence this month

Chuck Ellis

Tellico Plains, Tennessee
I've been reading posts of the guys here who have been have a little health issue and kinda gloating about how healthy I am at my age... etc...
The first of May I was diagnosed with Aortic Stenosis and Atril Fibrulation.... the doc put me on a blood thinner and said he would watch the Aortic valve for a few months before we talk about doing any thing.... my initial prescription of blood thinner was Xarelto, which my insurance won't cover, so after finishing the samples he gave me, he prescribed Warfrin which need constant monitoring. My wife has been on Warfrin for over 20 years, has her own meter and monitors the INR (Blood thinness) and calling it in. They were in the process of setting up my monitoring when I began to have a very sharp pain in my mid thigh on the left leg.... I wasn't sure if I pulled a muscle or had a blood clot, but on Monday Jun 6 went to a walk in clinic.... the PA I saw examined my leg, called an ambulance and sent me to Knoxville to the hospital ER.... INR reading should be between 2 & 3... when they did mine at the ER, it read 7...... I had a burst vessel in my leg, bleeding into my thigh muscle and in excruciating pain ... I wound up spinding 2 days in ER, then moved to ICU for 2 days before they found me a regular room where I spent another 2 days.... near impossible to stand or walk and so lay flat of my back for 6 days.
No appetite, not able to eat more than a few bits of anything for 6 days and not much appetite still, but trying to force myself.
I got home on Sat 11, but this is first have felt like sitting before the computer.... my leg is purple from my butt check to halfway down my calf, the boys basket turn black and swelled to about the size of a softball...we lost the bat in all the puffiness.
Today I can hobble around the house and sit in my lounge chair.... even with cushion in my office chair and the dining room chair I can sit for about 15 or 20 minutes before the pain my upper thigh gets too much.... my lounge chair doesn't hurt so much so I spend most of my time there.

Goes to show you if you get too full of yourself something will come along to take you own....

Happy Fathers day to all you fathers and granfathers out ther.
Chuck you were not meant to get sick. Very sorry to hear of your condition(s), get well soon. When I went on blood thinners I refused warfin so doc said Brilinta and Eliquis. Stopped Brilinta and now take aspirin instead. Still on the Eliquis. With the Brilinta did have bleed ing problems, just a scratch bleed like crazy. Stopped that drug and pretty much back to normal clotting. Still waiting for word on Watchman Procedure.
Stay well.
Yep,, Sorry you are having difficulties... Hope you get better soon.. But cheer up,, this is the "golden years... I have been to more doctors since last December than in all the rest of my life, put together. I also use to feel I was in good health for my age... (78). but that is changing... I am paying for something evil I did at some time...My wife and I judge our weeks by how many doctor appointments we have, she is younger than me. but is on oxygen 24/7, Could not give up the cigarettes has COPD and emphysema... Next week is good....none but we make. up for it the week after. They want me to take a memory test next week to set a baseline.. Well I have no memory,, I can tell them that two strokes on the left side of my brain,, pretty well takes care of that.. I am working on half a brain and doing pretty good.. I wonder if I ever used that other half.. If I had I may have been a genius!! And I have had a great time in my life... better than most youngsters today with all their video games and such... I have no regrets and feel very fortunate to have lived when I did.. I was free!!
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Wow, bummer! I mean it could have been worse but it sure as heck could have been better as well! Here's to quick recovery and the docs getting stabilized on what you need to do to get there.
Holy macaroni Chuck!?! I've been pretty lucky on the health front too. Does this mean some of us save it up and go for a big one when the time comes? Glad you got through that and are feeling better. Leo is right on in that we have come so far on these things in our lifetime. My thoughts are with you and yours.
Thanks to all you guys for the well wishes.... haven't felt much like sitting for a few days... spend most of my time in a big cushy lounge chair, but the home health nurse today gave the what for about not getting up and moving more.... I did go out with Ed yesterday to take the dog to be groomed.... he was beginning to look a bit like Chewbaca.... we killed an hour and half while he was being groomed.... was a little rough and I was pretty much wiped out on return home after just a few hours out. Feeling better today and seems like was good for me to get out yesterday.... still painful to sit on my left hip, but with a few cushions here and there it's almost tolerable.
The HHnurse insists I walk more and to use a walker.... they are a pain in places I don't want pains, but does help, so guess I'll get over my macho and follow her instructions.
You guys all take care.
Hope you get better and get better soon.

Just out of curiosity, how did you learn of the Aortic Stenosis and Atrial Fibrillation? Were you having symptoms of some sort or was it on a regular checkup?

Hope you get better and get better soon.

Just out of curiosity, how did you learn of the Aortic Stenosis and Atrial Fibrillation? Were you having symptoms of some sort or was it on a regular checkup?

No symptoms at all... I see a cardiologist regularly -- about 3very 6 months -- because of the history in my family... My father and 3 of his brothers all died of heart attacks - albeit at ages 75 and up ... one uncle was a lot younger, but was a heavy smoker and drinker as was my did who died at 74.... their eldest brother died of pneumonia in the '20s... I was diagnosed with a heart murmur and couple of years ago so they were watching that and my May visit to the Cardiologist he sent me for an echocardiogram which evidently revealed the Stenosis.

Still no symptoms that I can discern.