Audrey at the Pig Scramble Pictures added

North West Indiana
Audrey is the girl in pink. Last night (6-26-23) at the county fair. She is in mini 4H, will be in regular 4H next year. Used to be if you caught a pig the next year a farmer would give you a pig and you showed it, sold it and the money was your seed money for the following year. Participation dwindled with people not having facilities for pigs. So it changed and if you catch a pig, show a pig the next year in the pig scramble class you will get a $25.00 check. Audrey told me she was going to ride a pig like her cousin Ashleigh did. Ashleigh's situation was a year ago in the show ring a pig took off running and ran between Ash's legs and picked her up and ran with her 1/2 the way across the show ring (show pigs are 220 pounds and up!). Ash did well and rode it like her pony and laughed the whole time. Pig scramble pigs are feeder pigs and in the 20-30 pound range. Audrey is in pink.

When I figure out how to attach the movie, will place it here.

EDITED::: No movie. But do have a couple of pictures and will add more as they are received

Auddie at start of pig scramble.jpg
Audrey is in pink tee shirt. Looks like she is balling her fists but she has Crisco slathered on her hands. Back when I was her age, they lined the kids up to a 55 gallon barrel of used oil and you had to dunk your arms past your elbows. Then they dunked the backend of the pig up to the front legs! She didn't like the feeling of the lard/oil feel and knew that she was to run and fall down so she could get dirt on her hands before trying to catch the pig. The arena is cut in half and the fire department did a wonderful job of making this end very muddy! When they release the kids, Audrey will turn to the right and run the width of the arena and then the length of that half of the arena and back towards us the half width. She played soccer and softball this summer on leagues and runs like a deer. That pig ran across the one deep mud hole and Audrey just glided over the top!

Audrey on pig.jpg

She basically ran that pig down and wore it out. She sat on it and it just gave up. They have to keep control of the pig until an adult takes possession and returns it to the center pen. This lady running to get Audrey's pig we actually bought gilts from her and her husband that started Tess' herd of pigs for her 4H years.
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"Attach Files" doesn't work for video files. It only allows .zip, .txt, .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, gif, and .skp files to be attached to a post.

Jon sent me the link to the video he was trying to post, but it appears to be broken. :dunno:
I find the best way is to upload to youtrube and them paste the address to it on here. Only problem for me is uploading to youtube, takes a real long time.
Uploading elsewhere and posting a link to it is pretty much the only way to do it. We don't allow video or audio files to be uploaded directly to the forum because they take up a lot of storage space on the server. Here are the sites that can be linked to here:
In the top picture she as a very determined look on her face.... I guess a farm kid knows how to catch a pig without getting dirty....

When we first moved from San Francisco bay area back to Texas, Jason was just 8 years old and definitely a purebred city kid..... my dad lived in a small town about 100 miles from Dallas.... a few nights after we arrived, he and step-mother were attending a local scramble... I think theirs was a calf scramble... my dad being Dad suggested Jason get in the fray... he didn't get a calf, but came out of the arena with a calf emission stain on his shirt.... being the fastidious city boy he was, he wanted to know what was on his shirt.... we all told him it was just mud, but don't think he believed us.