another new project for next spring

Dan Noren

Staff member
falcon heights, minnesota
we lost an older uncle due to illness, in the wee hours of thanksgiving day. as he was army, he had a flag on the casket. pop, being the oldest, was given the flag. i have decided to make a display case for it. the wood to be used, is nicely figured quartersawn white oak, and will be finished with blo to pop the grain, then kona gel stain, and a coat of clear gloss lacquer as a finish.
got a bit more done yesterday. cut the boards to rough length, and will finish those up when days off, and nice weather are on the same day. started the glass engraving tests. hopefully doing this right. going with the black cardstock method. seems to engrave nicely, but, when put up against the flag, the text seems to all but disappear.
I know zero about glass engraving, but would it be possible to color/infill the frosted glass of the engraving to make it black? Paint? Ink? That might make it stand out against a flag backdrop.
Maybe use an led strip and edge light the glass, will make the text really stand out and light the flag in the case too.
onward, and upward. today's test basically took the speed way down, with the power level at 100% (only a 7 watt laser ya know). i started out this test with 10 examples, with speeds ranging from 5 lines per inch, to 50 lines per inch. in the first pic are the results of the first go round. pop and i agreed that the third one in the left column was the best result. that was the 15 inches per minute run. not being fully satisfied, i upped the number of lines per inch from 200 to 250, and did that one alone.