2023 Knives

Mike Stafford

Coastal plain of North Carolina
I finally got around to taking pictures of the knives I built last year. It was raining and quite windy here yesterday so it seemed like a good time to set up the photo booth and take some pictures. I also wanted to try out my new acrylic knife stands which made it a lot easier to photograph knives which are totally uncooperative and never want to stay in position when I lean them against a block of burl or something.

So I hope you will indulge me as I post a few pictures of my latest and sharpest creations. One thing I noticed this time around was confirmation of how blind I was before my cataract operations. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of polishing out the forge scale and scratches on the knives. Well, as these pictures show I still have a lot of work to do with regard to getting the blades clean and free of scratches. I don't guess these cosmetic defects affect the usability of the knife but they sure do affect the aesthetics. I don't think I will ever be able to achieve a mirror finish because I just don't have the patience to polish a blade to that degree.

Here are a few of the smaller blades....most in the 6 1/2" - 7 1/2" range. You may notice that my handles are getting a little fatter. Feedback from some of the hunters suggested that my handles were too small for their hands. My hands are not particularly large so I had to quit using it as a measure of comfort.

IMG_1043 mod (Small).jpg Walnut skinner

IMG_1046 mod.jpg Zebrawood skinner

IMG_1166 mod (Small).jpg Padauk skinner

IMG_1052 mod (Small).jpg Purpleheart skinner

IMG_1172 mod (Small).jpg Purpleheart skinner

IMG_1181 mod (Small).jpg Oak, dyed green (failed experiment :() skinner
That's some good stuff right there, Mike. Personally, I kind of like the semi-rough, unpolished look. It makes them look more handmade to me. I also really like your display stand. Is that something you made or did you find it somewhere?
Thank you, sirs!

I found the display stands at, where else, Amazon.

If Amazon doesn't have what you need you don't need it.