Jay Caughron
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  • Are the plans you found from John Smith? That is what was used on the Organ build thread. There are some knock off plans out but they are just a bad version of John's in my opinion and not worth the money. Dont be afraid to buy John's plans and I give support for them with the blessing from John himself. I also sell parts for his organs. I would suggest the Senior 20 plans thats what I build the most of.
    Jay; I found this website yesterday "DeputyDawg" with the APS Clown Troupe here in Phoenix AZ and built a Calliope that I mounted on a Wooden Golf Car that I built from a 2006 Yamaha Golf Car that used a CD player for the Circus music I would like to build some of the mini organ's like you have done. I found a link for information but is it from England and really would like to find plans from the Good Ole USA. So can you be of any help?
    Thanks in advance
    Dennis Mitchell
    Buckeye, AZ
    Jay if I didn't have trouble this organ build would go quite smoothly. I have to ask how to sorta patch the cloth on the bellows. I was glueing the cloth on this last weekend and managed to get everything correct and cut to fit. When I applied the glue and started to clamp things up, the corner shifted where the small cut was made to allow it to lay in two directions on the center board. I was tugging it back into place with a pair of needle nose pliers and rip. I didn't rip it off but it is now quight close to the corner and may leak. I have released the glue after it dried and tugged it to the correct place. However I still have the rip that I would like to patch if nothing else. I would hope you have some advice as to a repair. Could I release a bit of the rubber and contact it back to the ripped area? Should I leave the cloth on as well? If I could repair it with a patch and it look good and hold I would be happy with that. If you have any advice I'm all ears. Thanks Jay.
    Hi Jay,

    I have searched and search the Busker thread and can't find the post that shows the part number for the side lid hinge. Do you know that info?
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