Wireless Jogging with IoSender and GrblHal for the CDB

Brent Dowell

Staff member
Reno NV
With GrblHal (Original grbl ran on 8bits, GrblHal runs on 32bit processors) I've been using IoSender, a pc based gcode sender. I was originally going to go with cncjs and wireless control of the CNC. With cncjs I would have been able to use a table to control the machine, much like Octoprint.

I have seen some discussions on getting an MPG pendant running with this, but haven't quite wrapped my head around what that would take. It seems like it would take some more soldering and using either a serial or I2C port on the controller, so this will do for now until I decide to tackle that task.

IoSender though has some nice features around probing and generating height maps of the material surface, so I dug out an old wireless miniature keyboard I had and charged it up.

Iosender has a jog panel on it that allows you to select from 4 feed rates and 4 distances for jogging. (I could also set it up to do continuous jogging, but I kind of like the discrete jogging the way this works)

Found I was able to do some keymappings and am able to setup macros that work with the function keys for homing and what not.

It's not a pendant, but it's nice now that I can jog the machine wirelessly using the arrow keys for x/y, pgup/pgdown for Z, ASDF for the distance, and ZXCV for setting the feed rate.
