Little 3018 build

Darren Wright

Staff member
Springfield, Missouri
Brent's posts on doing milled pcb boards finally got to me. I usually use EasyEDA to design and order prototype pcb boards, but the turn around time is usually 2 to 3 weeks and I usually have to have a minimum order. If I've messed something up, then I'm out another 2 to 3 weeks and the cost of 10 or so boards.

Anyway, I caught a little 3018 cnc on sale for $147 on amazon, which was a deal, it's back to $190 now.
IMG_0618.jpeg IMG_0619.jpeg IMG_0621.jpeg

These have a spring loaded double nut to help with back lash in the threads.

It's taking me a bit of time to get it all assembled, mostly as I'm 3d printing some of the upgrades as I assemble. Today I got the cable chain and motors wired up.
IMG_0630.jpeg IMG_0631.jpeg

I have limit switches coming tomorrow and have mounts to 3d print for those. I'm currently printing the mount for the off-line controller board/panel, the power supply mounts, and a few cable tie mounts to stick on.

So far it's not a bad little machine. I had to work on the rail/bearing alignments a bit to get them gliding smoothly. I think there is a 3d design to print that replaces the individual bearing blocks and nut with a single piece for all the bearings the nut to help with the alignment, but don't think I'll need it. This machine will be dedicated to doing pcb prototype boards, for now anyway..