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  1. Chuck Ellis

    It followed me home, can I keep it?

    I'm no kind of a mechanic and can't start to give you any advice on your restoration, but I love the old cars and look forward to you finished project. I do remember back to 1948 when my dad showed up in the middle of the night in our home town in Texas, packed my mother and 3 kids in the...
  2. Chuck Ellis

    Storage Question

    I think the coffee can was invented for just this purpose...
  3. Chuck Ellis

    Nosy Neighbor Part 637

    We were share croppers when I was first born and in my pre-teen years... one of the places we worked had a huge fig bush sitting right in the front yard...'course were in east Texas, so winters weren't all that harsh. Another place we lived had a huge oak tree that was completely covered by a...
  4. Chuck Ellis

    Hoarding wood...

    I have 4 or 5 hammers, one from my father, one from my former father in law, one from my late wife's mother, one from a guy my brother in law hired to help me put a new floor and floor joists in my mother in laws house... (he was a drunk and drug user, but did know carpentry which I had some...
  5. Chuck Ellis

    I hate meeses to pieces....

    Maggie, our part Jack Russel and what ever loved to bring squirrels and rabbits to the front porch ... she was kind enough to keep the skunks in her part of the yard. As for the meeses, for a while I had a 4 or 5 foot black snake living under my shop... he kept the little varmits away and I...
  6. Chuck Ellis

    Goat Weed-Eaters

    Dianne always wanted to get a couple goats, but I told her no... she would want to name them and then we could never eat them. Same with chickens.
  7. Chuck Ellis

    The reality of being old

    I don't consider myself as old... I've just been here a long time. I was 2 1/2 months old when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.. And I forgot to take my pencil sharpener down in the shop when we moved... gonna miss that old and I do mean old school style pencil sharpner.
  8. Chuck Ellis

    Maybe getting settled in...

    During this move, I've come to the sad conclusion that I'm probably a borderline hoarder... still trying to fit 10 lbs of Stuff in a 3 pound bag. I should be very comfortable here... the house is small and we're about the same age... we'll get to be old friends.
  9. Chuck Ellis

    Maybe getting settled in...

    Being from Texas originally, an hour and half if "ust over yonder"
  10. Chuck Ellis

    Maybe getting settled in...

    I've made the big move from Tennessee to North Carolina to be closer to my son after Dianne passed.. Moved over her the end of February and still waiting for the house sale in TN to close... should happen next week. Jason bought an 80 year old house for me, newly refurbished and ready to move...
  11. Chuck Ellis

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

    John Murphy, one of my supervisors when I worked at TWA told me once "There are two kinds of people in world.... The Irish and those who wish they were Irish."
  12. Chuck Ellis

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

    The Irish need a song to drink by??
  13. Chuck Ellis

    Friday 2/16/2024

    Finishing up with my packing getting ready for move to North Carolina to be near my son. Ran out of steam for today, so will likely have to finish a couple of more boxes in the shop when Jason arrives... think he's planning to be here later today or tomorrow with a trailer for first load...
  14. Chuck Ellis


    I was born about 2 1/2 months before Pearl Harbor, so don't remember much about WWII... my dad was a farmer with 2 kids at the start and don't know if he tried to enlist or not... I think two of his brothers served, not sure as they never talked about it... his older brother was an engineer with...
  15. Chuck Ellis

    Just saw this

    Probably need 2.... :D
  16. Chuck Ellis

    Some fun pictures

    I liked the Zebra pictures...reminded me a of a story I read about why Zebras are stripped.... it confuses the flies and they don't know where to land.
  17. Chuck Ellis

    sawdust on ice for anti-slip

    My first wife was sorta short sighted.... I used to tell people she needed her glasses to find the floor in the morning.
  18. Chuck Ellis

    Spam.... mmmmmm good

    All the talk about crabs reminded me, when the first wife and mother of my son was pregnant, her cravings as they say pregnant women have was for a Dunstan crab from the San Francisco bay... I would go down to the local fish shop in San Mateo, tell the guy (would you call him a fish monger?)...
  19. Chuck Ellis


    Het! 80 is the new 40. I'm 2 1/2 years into it and if I could remember what I ate for breakfast everything would be fine... I was going to look something up on the internet, so I close the page I was in and then couldn't remember what I was going to look up.
  20. Chuck Ellis

    You never know what you will find...

    Understand about the clean out... I'm sorta packing to move and went through some stuff in the top half of my desk... it has a cabinet above the work station.... I found stuff in there from 2002, when we bought this place, some stuff from Houston where we lived from 1980 to 2005... I think I'm a...