Timber Frames in Sketchup, free plugin

Darren Wright

Staff member
Springfield, Missouri
Anyone else try out the Timber Frame extension in Sketchup? I installed it last night and messed around a bit with it. It has options to generate shop drawings for each of the components, but looks like you have to do the dimensioning yourself before printing. Nice plugin though!
Screenshot 2023-05-31 140556.png

The extension page to download, use the extension manager to install once you have it downloaded.

I'd download the example and timber files also, from here: https://www.tenon.technology/sketchup-resources

Tutorial on using it.

Another good one, his quality of video and sound improve on part 2:

There is a book also, kind of on the $ side, but I ordered it as it seemed to get good reviews. All profits are going to the Timber Frame guild.
That was a neat extension. Unfortunately I think the author has moved on to other things and it's not being updated. It doesn't fit with my preferences for modeling but some folks find it works quite well for them.