Put away your Chain saw

On a slightly (hah) more affordable note... I have a LOT of trail clearing to do at the new place and while part of that is going to be a bit more .. shall we say.. mechanical.. part of the process is just getting in past the overgrown brush to figure out WHERE I want to clear first which means hiking around and bushwacking.

In light of that I've upscaled some of my lightweight portable brush kit and I have to say one piece that has been outstanding is the Silky Katanaboy, they say "man powered chainsaw" and that's not to far off. A lot of the handheld kit isn't great on dry wood but this powers through basically anything. Is it as fast as a chainsaw on a stick? no... but for exploration hiking it's vastly lighter and easier to use.

This is a pretty balanced review I'd agree with in large part:
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