Johnson's Paste Wax on Clearance at Lowe's(?)

I prefer Butchers bowling alley wax.

Still, I have an almost full can of Johnsons, about 3/4 can of Butchers, almost full can of Brix wax

They last many many years

I don't really need any, but that IS a great price.

Also, I just made a batch of LinWax.
Butchers bowling alley wax.

Also a fan of Butchers, it's clearer and harder / tougher than Johnsons. There are a lot of things Johnsons is dandy for though and sometimes the wee bit of amber can be nice (you'd get that from the LinWax although IDK.. I prefer to do that as separate processes.. that way I can ensure the oil fully cures, but personal preference). At that price I'd stock up a couple spare cans anyway :D

The other good wax is Trewax which uses a different carrier and won't strip patina off of things like bronze which can be nice in some cases.
My local store didn't have any, and the other 2 that are closest doesn't seem to have it either (on line search) my chagrin. Oh, well...maybe they cleared it out earlier.
I live in a dry desert portion of the Washington "Ever Green" (ha) state... Rust is not a huge problem... but I wax the table tops of my tools a couple times a year.... Really not to prevent rust,,, but it makes them slicker.....