
  1. Jeff Bower

    What to do with small scraps of beautiful wood

    In an attempt to rid myself of more clutter and maybe make a few $$ too, I cut up some smal scraps this past week and made some necklaces. I used some spalted maple, cherry, walnut, cherry and spalted hackberry. I have a few burned knuckles from sanding them, but I think they turned out...
  2. Jeff Bower

    A busy day at the lathe!

    Started about 9am and just quit now. I'm tired, but it felt good to get back to the lathe for a long stint. 9 bowls finished with 2 coats of danish oil, and 4 other rough outs. I'm doing a show with me dad on the 22nd so I needed to get a few pieces done. The 4 on the left are oak the middle...
  3. Jeff Bower

    Another Spalted Hackberry Bowl

    This is the other half of the log that also produced this bowl. This one is a little smaller in diameter, only 10" but just about the same height, 4". Pics were taken quickly because I was running late to a house warming party, and I needed to get pics taken fast.:doh: It now sits atop a counter...
  4. Jeff Bower

    Spalted Hackberry Bowl

    While cleaning up the shop a few weeks ago I found a buried crotch log that my dad gave me last year. I cut it in half and turned this with one side. 11" wide and 4" tall. Finish is danish oil. Just realized I still need to sign it. :doh: As always, comments/critques please. PS...Dad do you...