Search results

  1. Corey Hallagan

    Couple Screwdrivers....

    Nothing extraordinary and great just a couple quick gifts using the Rockler kits. Stock is cherry with rubbed out poly finish. Thanks for looking! Corey
  2. Corey Hallagan

    Pen Boxes...

    I made these as gifts and turned some pens to go with them. Just maple and walnut and 2 different designs, one with all round overs and 2 with just top and bottom round overs. Rubbed out poly finish. About 3 x 8 inches. Corey
  3. Corey Hallagan

    A few pens...

    Got a few days off and the wife is out of town so I decided to get some Christmas gifts made. Turned these today - Brown Box Elder Burl Comfort Slim, Gold BEB Comfort Slim, Splated Maple Burl Comfort Slim, Cocobolo Sierra, East Indian Rosewood Sierra and Bethlehem Olivewood Euro. Please...
  4. Corey Hallagan

    Kitchen Remodel Finally Done!!

    This is what I have been up to for the last year and what has limited my time in the shop other than staining and poly. It was prolonged with a disc problem in my back for several months and then hampered by travel in the spring and summer for the real job. But at last it is done. Basically it...
  5. Corey Hallagan

    Problem With My New Bandsaw....

    Some may have read where I bought one of the new Craftsman 12 inch bandsaws. I know it is a decent saw and it has gotten good reviews. I guess I got a problem with mine. I am having major trouble getting the 1/4 inch blade to track. It will track on the top in the middle but not on the bottom...
  6. Corey Hallagan

    Finally Decided....

    Well, it's been a decision I have been trying to make for some time now... what bandsaw to get! I have a very small shop and I have conisdered the new Rikon made 10" saws from Craftsman but wanted just a little more saw than that so I settled on the new 12" from Craftsman. It made it to the shop...
  7. Corey Hallagan

    A Couple Box Lids

    Santa brought me a Milescraft Spirocrafter and some inlay templates for Christmas and have not had anytime to do anything with them. This weekend I decided since I travel this next week, I didn't want to leave the kitchen tore up again (plumbing tear out ) so I decided to give these a shot...
  8. Corey Hallagan

    The Last Thing To Come Off My Lathe....

    Here is the last thing to come off my lathe. This was done back in April. Cherry HF with a finial type lid. Personally I don't like the lid and it hasn't grown on my over time.... looks like a rocket ship from an old Tom Swift book :) OK I am dating myself. I do like it as a vase without the top...
  9. Corey Hallagan

    I have returned....

    Hello guys. I haven't been here for quite awhile. I lost the link after a browser change and the other day Bernie W. gave me the link. Still mainly building small boxes. Haven't been able to turn much lately as trying to finish up that pesky kitchen remodel after delays with my back, traveling...
  10. Corey Hallagan

    Staining Cabinets....

    This is one for any of you cabinet builders.. such as Steve Clardy :D hint hint. I will soon be putting in some unfinished oak cabinets. I have seen some of these cabinets done with a glaze.... light tone with a dark accent that goes in the crevices of the panels, beads etc. Many of them are...
  11. Corey Hallagan

    5mm Barrell Hinges

    Hello all. Question when using the little 5mm Barrell Hinges for pen boxes and other little boxes how far from the back edge of the piece do you set these? I know you have to chamfer the back edge but just curioious on where to set them from the back edge. I have some info in one of Doug Stowes...
  12. Corey Hallagan

    How Do You Ebonize Wood...

    How do you ebonize wood? Anybody got any info on this. What wood does it work best on? Appreciate any info you can provide. thanks, Corey