Recent content by Dave Kauffman

  1. Dave Kauffman

    walnut crotch figure

    Just got back from milling a 26" walnut log that had blown down in yard. Got about 200 bd ft the first trip, and tonight about 175 more. But once in a while you get lucky, and this thing had a promising looking crotch section. My experience in the past has been that they are a crap shoot...
  2. Dave Kauffman

    shopbot CNC version of my cracker holder

    A while back I posted a method of making one of my best selling items at shows, a simple cracker holder. Update, I make them on a Shopbot CNC router now, and thought some might like to see the process. Here is the bot. It comes from Shopbot with a 1/2 inch thick aluminum table drilled with...
  3. Dave Kauffman

    problem solved

    Problem… the fully assembled 700lb 56 x 40 x 70 bot arrived in a huge crate bolted to a pallet, but I had to get it through a standard 32 inch wide door and down a flight of steps to my basement shop. So first thing I did was disassemble it into small enough and light enough chunks that could...
  4. Dave Kauffman

    belt sander dead, need recommendation

    I rarely use a belt sander, prefering a random orbital for almost all the sanding I do other than by hand. But once in a while, you need one. My 20 yr old Craftsman 3x21 finally made a few screaching death sounds and bit the dust today while sanding a "cookie" I sliced from the end of an...
  5. Dave Kauffman

    oscillating spindle sander sleeve trick

    I often have a tough time getting the sanding sleeves on the oscillating spindle sander spindles. Either the sanding sleeve is a bit small, which is probably the case, or maybe my spindle is just a tad too big. (it's a Grizzley G1071). In either case, this is one of those "it may as well be a...
  6. Dave Kauffman

    making my cracker holder

    Several folks have sent me PM's asking whether they have permission to make my cracker holder and also how I do it. Yes they do, and here are a few pics of how I do it in case others are interested. I resized all the pics so most are 100K or less, so even dialup shouldn't have a problem. Many...